Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Possible HCV/Hepatitis C Exposure at Hardees

For clients and staff who ate at both of these eateries between Sep. 6 and 15, there is still time to get post-presentation treatment (the antibody).

This first date will change day by day (for e.g., for Monday, it will be Sep. 7 and 15) to mirror the 2 week post-presentation treatment window.

For these individuals who are still inside of the 14-day window, we are encouraging them to go to our facilities at the Spartanburg and Greenville County Health Departments to get free post-presentation treatment rapidly.

With respect to post-presentation treatment, the immunization is of no demonstrated advantage when controlled over 14 days after introduction.

Hence, starting today, clients and staff who ate at these eateries between Aug. 31 and Sept. 5 are not liable to profit by post-introduction treatment.

Any individual who ate at one these Hardee's eateries between these dates (Aug. 31 and Sept. 5) ought to look for manifestations of contamination, for example, queasiness, regurgitating, and jaundice, which would bring about yellowing of the eyes and skin, and look for medicinal consideration if side effects create.


Individuals who may have been presented to hepatitis An at two Hardee's eateries in Spartanburg County are currently being dealt with.

Hours before the booked begin time of an extraordinary weekend facility, individuals were at that point holding up.

Jeff McCollam says he ate a scone from the Hardee's in Duncan two weeks prior and caught wind of the news Friday night.

"Gracious my gosh, simply stunned, you know," said McCollam. "It could happen anyplace. However, simply stunned."

The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control says a worker at the Hardee's in Lyman (12209 Greenville Hwy – otherwise known as Highway 29) and one at the Hardee's in Duncan (1397 E. Primary St.) both tried positive for hepatitis An in the wake of having close contact with one another.

DHEC says clients who ate at these Spartanburg County areas between August 31st and September fifteenth could have been uncovered.

A DHEC therapeutic advisor, Dr. Anna-Kathryn Rye, met with media outside the Spartanburg County Health Department Saturday.

"The primary concern that I need to advise individuals is not to oddity out," said Dr. Rye. "The fortunate thing about hepatitis An is that it's preventable significance you can get pre-introduction and post presentation treatment to help not get this infection."

Rye likewise prescribes clients and staff who as of Saturday ate at the Lyman zone Hardee's between September sixth and September fifteenth or the Duncan range Hardee's between September sixth and September thirteenth ought to get post-introduction treatment for hepatitis A.

That is the reason they're holding weekend centers at the Spartanburg and Greenville wellbeing offices. The facilities are free and they'll offer you post introduction treatment. You'll get an immunization, which is just great in the event that you get it inside of two weeks of introduction.

Specialists say hepatitis A will be a viral contamination that assaults the liver and is profoundly infectious. Individuals typically become ill inside of two to six weeks. Side effects can last up to two months before it goes away.

"In the event that they have any sort of fever, sickness, spewing, loose bowels, stomach torment or any of the eyes' yellowing or skin ought to contact their specialist instantly," said Dr. Rye.

Both Hardee's areas are open for business. DHEC says they're protected and there's no more danger of introduction.

We likewise contacted Hardee's. The organization discharged this announcement:

"Hardee's takes the strength of its visitors and representatives genuinely. We are working intently with the suitable powers to guarantee the wellbeing and security of every one of our clients and representatives."

Specialists say the most ideal approach to keep hepatitis A from spreading is great hand cleanliness. They say in the event that you or your children have indications, stay home from work, school and childcare.

Another exceptional facilities is planned for Monday, Sept. 21st from 8:30 am to 5 pm at these two areas:

Spartanburg Health Department

151 E. Wood Street

Greenville Health Department

200 University Ridge

On the other hand you can pass by the wellbeing division whenever amid the week.

You can likewise call DHEC specifically at 1-800-868-0404. Administrators will be accessible between 8am-6pm Saturday, Sunday and as the week progressed.

DHEC says in Saturday's facilities: 1,109 people got post-introduction treatment for hepatitis An and DHEC got 392 calls through its hotline from the general population.



COLUMBIA, S.C. – Customers who ate at two Hardee's eateries in Spartanburg County may have been presented to the hepatitis An infection, the S.C. Division of Health and Environmental Control declared today.

The two areas and dates are:

12209 Greenville Highway (otherwise known as Highway 29) in Lyman and includes the dates between Aug. 31 and Sept. 15, 2015.

1397 E. Principle St. in Duncan and includes the dates between Sept. 1 and Sept. 13, 2015.

DHEC was advised on Sept. 17 that a worker of the Lyman-zone eatery tried positive for hepatitis A.

An examination of this case uncovered hepatitis A disease in a nearby contact that works at the Duncan-territory Hardee's area.

Clients and staff who devoured sustenance or beverage at these eateries amid these dates could have been presented to the hepatitis An infection.

"Hepatitis A will be a liver malady brought on by an infection," said Dr. Anna-Kathryn Rye, M.D. furthermore, therapeutic specialist in DHEC's Bureau of Disease Control.

"Individuals typically get to be wiped out inside of two to six weeks subsequent to being presented to the infection so it's essential to get treatment as quickly as time permits to keep the infection from forming into hepatitis A contamination."

DHEC is working with these eateries to distinguish and contact clients and staff who may have been presented to the infection. This disease is not a foodborne flare-up.

Rye prescribed that clients and staff who starting today ate at the Lyman-region eatery between Sept. 4 and Sept. 15, 2015, or the Duncan-range eatery between Sept. 4 and Sept. 13, 2015, ought to get post-presentation treatment for hepatitis A.

Post-presentation treatment is suggested for people in the event that it can be regulated under two weeks from their date of devouring anything from the eatery with the last date being Sept. 15

Clients and staff who ate at these eateries amid these dates are urged to go to DHEC's Spartanburg County Health Department or Greenville County Health Department for post-presentation treatment on Saturday, Sept. 19 or Sunday, Sept. 20 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Both wellbeing divisions will likewise offer post-presentation treatment on Monday, Sept. 21 from 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m.

The Spartanburg County Health Department is situated at 151 E. Wood St. in Spartanburg. The Greenville Health Department is situated at 200 University Ridge in Greenville.

The immunization is of no demonstrated advantage when managed over 14 days after introduction. Starting today, clients and staff who ate at these eateries between Aug. 31 and Sept. 3 are consequently not liable to profit by post-introduction treatment.

Any individual who ate at one these Hardee's eateries between these dates ought to look for side effects of contamination, for example, queasiness, spewing, and jaundice, which would bring about yellowing of the eyes and skin. Look for therapeutic consideration if side effects cre

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