Friday, March 18, 2016

David McKeown: Toronto needs supervised injection sites

Drug overdoses are a serious public health issue in Toronto. There were 206 deaths in 2013 — a 41 per cent increase over the past 10 years. Many of these deaths were preventable and we need to do more to save the lives of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. As a city, we need a comprehensive response to the drug problem that includes supervised injection services.
I recently released a report to the Toronto Board of Health that highlights the health benefits of supervised injection services and outlines the next steps that need to be taken, in order to implement these services in Toronto.
Supervised injection is a health service that provides a safer, hygienic environment where people can inject pre-obtained drugs under the supervision of nurses. They have been operating in various locations around the world for over 30 years and there are now more than 90 worldwide. International research shows that they reduce drug overdoses, save lives and limit the spread of HIV and hepatitis.
An independent needs assessment in 2012 concluded that Toronto would benefit from multiple supervised injection services integrated into existing health agencies that service this population. In 2013, the Board of Health approved this integrated model and supported the implementation of supervised injection services in Toronto.

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