Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Michigan Medicaid now approving coverage of popular Hepatitis-C drug

(NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Michigan Medicaid is now starting to approve coverage of a popular but expensive Hepatitis-C drug.
This comes just one month after Newschannel 3 learned that many in Michigan suffering from Hepatitis-C, were being denied Harvoni through the state's Medicaid program, due to the high price.
The drug costs about $94,500 for the complete treatment, mostly curing Hepatitis-C.
"It's been a closed door, it's been frustrating for me and my physician," said Patricia McGeehan back in February, then unable to get the drug.
McGeehan now tells Newschannel 3 that Medicaid has since cleared her for treatment.
The change in state policy regarding the drug was made possible by a legislative transfer, allowing for funds to be made available to offset the cost.
During Governor Rick Snyder's budget address, he too, proposed making more funding available to cover the cost of the drug.
"The state Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee has recommended that new specialty medications to treat Hepatitis C and cystic fibrosis be approved for Medicaid patients," wrote the Governor in his budget proposal.
"The assumed cost to treat 7,000 residents with Hepatitis C for a full year is $91.5 million", he wrote.

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